League Information
Men's League
Men's League will start this year with an organizational meeting on April 17th at 6:30pm. Competition will begin on April 24th running ten weeks for the first half of Men's League. Taking July 4th off then resuming on July 10th running ten weeks for the second half of the league. The cost will remain at $25.00 per session.
Women's League
The Women's League meeting will be on Wednesday, April 30th at 6:30pm. Play begins on May 7th and continue through the season on Wednesdays. The cost to join the league is $35.00. Our Final Banquet will be on September 24, 2025.
Couple's League
Couples League will start on May 2nd, 2025, weather permitting. The Couples League is every Friday afternoon with tee off times from 3-5:30 pm. The cost is $50.00 per couple for nine holes with a cart. Call the clubhouse for a start time.
*Leagues are open to anyone who wishes to play. Membership is not required.